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Joy of Motherhood

Updated: Jul 19, 2020

When a female delivered her baby, pushing another human out of her body, she has this feeling of happiness and invincibility. This is a feeling that only a female that has given birth can describe. The feeling is surreal and the joyfulness and empowerment that the female has is indescribable. She has become a mother of this little bundle of joy. She is promoted to this new role and has the responsibility to take care of this little one for life.

The first-time mothers have a lot of questions in their minds. What does it mean to be a mother? What is motherhood? We have gathered some responses and below are some of the responses that we have obtained:

· A remarkable gift bestowed by God.

· Provides a wonderful feeling that they cannot use words to describe

· Being responsible to another human being for life, providing a haven and equipping this human being with the life skills and tools in order for them to lead a happy and purposeful life.

· Provides growth and teaches the female numerous things, bringing out the best and worst in her

The first-time mothers are excited about this whole new role and journey. They look forward to this new addition to their family, the essence of the couple’s love. They want to provide the best for their child during pregnancy to delivery of their child to their child’s growing up years. They understand that they will need to cope with the physical, mental and emotional changes. They also have so much to learn and explore about how to take care of their child, being the best role model for their child.

At the same time, mothers need to know how to manage the role of a wife and mother well. They need ensure that their husbands needs are not neglected because of this new addition. They also need to ensure that their child is raised by both parents, as the fatherly role is important for the child’s development too. A child will break or improve the bond between the couple; hence they must try to journey this together.

Husbands need to do their part as well by providing the required support for their wives and being their for them. They need to know the different types of support to provide and actions to take at these different stages during their wives expectancy stage, to deliver of baby and the child's development years after the baby is born.

With so much to learn and explore as a mother or as a couple, we hope that this treasure trove of information found here can provide the relevant tips and information for mothers and their spouses. We also aim to provide a community and support network for mothers, to provide one another with emotional and mental support.

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